
Order RollerFoot

To help you determine whether to buy or rent a RollerFoot, read a simple rule-of-thumb under each heading and make your selection to greatly improve your quality of life and productivity!


If your estimated time of use (the no-weight bearing period plus a couple of weeks to restore the leg muscle strength) is less than 7-8 weeks, you are better off renting.

Patients rent RollerFoot at $56 per week.

If you decided you want to rent, please click the “Rent” button bellow to take you to the checkout process.


If your estimated time of use (the no-weight bearing period plus a couple of weeks to restore the leg muscle strength) is about 8 weeks or longer, or if you are facing multiple surgeries, or you simply prefer to use and own a brand new unit, have a choice of colors, the ability to re-sell or donate your RollerFoot later, save on return shipment cost, then you want to buy.

A brand new RollerFoot for purchase online is $450. (Equals to 8 weeks of rental at $56/wk)

If you decided you want to buy, please click the “PURCHASE” button bellow to take you to the checkout process.